Friday, November 2, 2007

Life is beautiful..

I feel as though I just realized that I have been trying to carry my horse. The simple act of recognizing the issue; staring that awkward rhino in the face and telling him he looks ridiculous tip-toeing about. Admitting it, I think, is half the battle. And then it's the wonderful sense of relief that you get when you realize that these symptoms are common to all people in some form or another.

It's been a wonderful reading about the reasons why I do what I do to avoid doing what needs to done. (Try to say that sentence several times fast, and if you didn't follow the logic, it's okay; I had to read it several times to make sure it actually made sense). And this is the really and truly beautiful part about it. I have been doing something about it. No longer will I simply acknowledge the rhino's presence. No, now I'm teaching the rhino to dance.

Here's the practical: Big project? Break it down into bite-size pieces. Take a bite at a time.. don't try to fit the entire meal into your mouth at once. It sounds and is simple. But it is absolute music and freedom to someone who tries to do everything perfectly and conquer everything on my own. I now understand the perspective from Proverbs about the sluggard and the diligent. Diligence isn't conquering in one take, it's doing small steady things to bring it together.

Rant over.

The photo is from Gilad. He has some pretty incredible photos if you ask me.


Avid Andy said...

good insight into diligence. and those photos are cool.

Martha Elaine Belden said...

(i LOVE that photo)

good luck with the dancing rhino. i think i need to enroll mine in some work-out classes before i can even begin to teach her to dance.

Sheamus the... said...

good to see you ole chap...your room is waiting.

Krystal Dawn said...

Im with Martha, good photo, who's it by.
I know how most your problems will be solved, take up residence with Sheamus. It will make the world a happier place. ( and by world I mean charlotte and by charlotte i mean me and shea)

Avid Andy said...

someone please rent shea's room

Martha Elaine Belden said...

hey... are you the jeremy i just "friended" on myspace? i don't even remember how i stumbled upon it... maybe on shea's friend list or something.

but anyway... if not, i feel stupid. if so, you're awesome. and either way... come play in dallas, i'll do what i can to hook you up (unless i end up in charlotte... holy crap, that's scary)