Monday, November 26, 2007

August Rush

Holidays are wonderful because you finally have use of a thing that seems to elude you the rest of your days; time. Its seems that the world hunches over with his hands on his knees to catch his breath for a moment, before starting to run again. And the luxury afforded is the choice of what to do with your time.

One of my choices this weekend was to take in an anticipated movie (for me) with my family; August Rush. I thought I knew what expect from the film, but I must say that I was delightfully surprised. The weaving of the story was beautiful with rhythms of time moving back and forth, and melodies that pervaded this haphazard family to become a beautiful song and uncover the bonds of a family yet fated to be.

I thought that Keri Russell and Freddie Highmore did a wonderful job capturing characteristics and reflecting each other in mannerisms and actions. I would definitely recommend this for your viewing pleasure.


Martha Elaine Belden said...

oh, i am SO excited to see this! i've been anxious for its release since i first saw a preview months ago.

i'm so glad you were surprised by it... i've been worried that perhaps the previews gave too much away.

and i have to say, one more time, i love the way you write.

Avid Andy said...

hmmmm i hear a lot of people talking about this movie, but i'm don't think it's my thing. maybe i'll catch it one day.