Friday, October 19, 2007

Showin' it up

Hey everybody,

This is going to be a quick post. I am sitting at Helios Coffee Company trying to get my nerves in check as I prepare to do a show here in several minutes. I'm excited. I am getting ready to set up for it. It's a little nerve-wracking, but I am going to treat it as an adventure. I am going to go out there and just have fun, because that is what the show should be.

And there you are.


Avid Andy said...

hope all went well....

Krystal Dawn said...

I had a dream lastnight that you started freaking out at a show and running around crying and saying "there's too much pressure. I need to go to the spa!"
You turned into a very tall man diva.......

Hope the show went well.

Unknown said...

just wanted to say we both just commented on krystals' blog at exactly thet same time... or was it since i am behind you by oh 3 hours!

Martha Elaine Belden said...

oh man! i can't wait to hear how it went! when you become big and famous, promise to come do a show in dallas? or even BEFORE you become big and famous... if you come do a show in dallas, i promise to bring a ton of people and we'll yell like crazy, make signs... whatever you want.

seriously. i know A LOT of people :)

Krystal Dawn said... Emma told me something about you that she found out the other weekend and I'm a little hurt that you haven't mentioned it to me b/c apparently it's sort of a big deal...and it has nothing to do with music...

Anytime you want to start being honest with me I'm ready ;)