Wednesday, October 3, 2007

And there we are

This is my first post for October. Sad, but true. I have been fighting the reinstitution of East Coast time in my body, and the ominous threat of the cubicle blues with every ounce of my soul.

I am determined not to let the gray chamber of death beat down my will for something greater. Something that demands more of me than the pushing of buttons and the creation of company-standard reports. Steady pay checks are nice, but to me they seem like slips of paper that are meant to numb me into a life void of adventure, danger and the unexpected. I long for adventure. I long for something more than security and the status quo.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, but what will those measures be?


Avid Andy said...

for me i think some of the biggest potential regrets in life are for risks i didn't take on things that mean a lot to me.

Martha Elaine Belden said...

i feel imprisoned by my gray cubicle walls, too. ugh.

just some thoughts...

a) go after your music thing. go after it hard.
b) get involved in some sort of volunteer or charity program or something like that. always an adventure, and a selfless one, at that. even better.
c) that's all i got... but i doubt you'll fall prisoner to that cubicle of yours. you strike me as the adventuresome type.

Jeremy Johnson said...

I appreciate the feedback..

Andy I know what you mean about going after and not wanting to regret missed opportunities.. but it's never too late.

Martha, I appreciate the suggestions and the compliment. Thanks for believing that I am the adventuresome type.