Saturday, October 27, 2007

Self Evaluation

So it has occurred to me over the course of the past several weeks that I have the attention span of a chipmunk on crack. In most moments of my life I am thinking about four or five different things, and volleying between elation and frustration, with a side of confusion thrown in for good measure.

I believe that I would get much more accomplished in my life if I simply slowed down my thought processes and concentrated on one thing at a time. Instead I scramble about trying to juggle three things at a time and push hard not to miss opportunities to be around friends and family when I have the chance.

It's time for an overhaul. It's time to set the major priorities and begin to structure my life a little more, without falling over the edge into the land of militant administration. I want to leave room for the spontaneity and randomness that I seem drawn towards at life-threatening speed. Balance....

Balance is the theme that I have heard on the internal megaphone for the past several months. So how do you develop balance in your life?


Avid Andy said...

ha..that picture is hilariously fitting. balance is hard. the things that are screaming for attention and seem so important now are usually the things that don't really matter. one thing i have done that has helped is to cut out negative people from my life. or at least limit their influence. it's hard enough for me to stay positive and on the right track without a chorus of voices hell-bent on bringing me down.

Martha Elaine Belden said...

oh i wish i knew.

if you figure it out... could you send your discovery my way?

that would be great. thanks.


Kim said...

I second Martha's comment!

Do we ever really achieve balance though? Is it even possible? I mean, there are points when you think you've got life figured out and then it throws you something completely different (another job, relationships change, births, deaths... you name it) and then you have to start all over again.

would you believe some say I'm a "glass half-empty" girl? ;)