Monday, October 8, 2007

The Madness of it all

I think that I have too many pots on the stove right now. I have at least seven projects on going, leaving me in moments of panic, despair, elation at having something to be doing, and then disappointment at not getting things done....

So I broke down and did it the other day.... I wrote a list. This is a day of triumph in adulthood for me, and sad realization that the Peter Pan winging gig just won't cut it anymore. Why do I believe the lie sometimes that responsibility and order are the death of dreams?

I am also seeing that projects are much more enjoyable when you share them with other people. I have spent far too long holed up in the solitary land of Party of One. It stinks.. I'm done with that ride, let's go get some cotton candy and see if we end up losing our biscuits on the Gravitron.

Collaboration is on the menu.


Avid Andy said...

great post. i make lists and then never look at them again. good luck with your projects....

Martha Elaine Belden said...

i like the way you write.

and good for you with the list thing. i'm like z... i make the list and then never look at it again. but it helps me just having made the list.

i think you can be peter pan with a list.

Krystal Dawn said...

call it lack of sleep or call it stupidity, but I didn't get your metiphor right off the bat. I was thinking literal pots on the stove and was like "Aren't there only 4 burners on the stove? and how's he fitting 7 pots on it. What exactly is he trying to cook?!" Yeah I know....

Who said growing up meant you cant have dreams? Dream away.

Avid Andy said...

A quote for you
Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.
Oliver Wendell Holmes