Sunday, October 28, 2007

Underneath it all

I listen to the rhythms of my city. Asphalt and tire collide in layers and layers of sound. All pitched differently based on eagerness from the steed's rider. Air brakes hiss, and crosswalks chirp melodies, trains sound briskly, and yet still the organic has a voice. Crickets sing sadly, and the leaves rustle restlessly against their nourishment; eager to be free to discover the world on their own.

All this is the backdrop for the drama that unfolds daily. Here we are one million strong, but not one million unified. Each carves their own niche in this urban wilderness. Surrounded by people and yet completely alone. It's amazing how much of our time we spend in isolation. We all desire to have deep and meaningful relationships with those around us, but most of us don't even know our neighbors names.

The restlessness has been brooding beneath the surface and the ceramic masks we wear are becoming dangerously thin. What would it be like if we let go of what we thought that people thought about us, what we believed about them, and looked at our world through child like glasses? Perhaps we'd see that everyone else is just like us underneath it all.


Avid Andy said...

so true. i struggle to let go. been trying to lately. i'm very cautious about who i let into my life.

Adam Frazier said...

It's funny, this is the stuff I write about all the time - it's refreshing to see someone else understanding it in their own way.

Martha Elaine Belden said...

this is so great... and so true.

great job. i wrote a poem more than a year ago, and this reminds me of it. it's funny... i wrote it, and i've forgotten the truth i wrote. thanks for the reminder :)

Krystal Dawn said...

I became aware of this about 2 years ago. I told myself that I was going to start giving out waves and smiles to strangers. It's kind of fun. ... Good post