Tuesday, October 16, 2007

It's been a while...

So life was handed to me like a hurricane this past week.. and frankly, this week has been no different. I would not call myself overwhelmed, just simply engulfed to the point of no return. It's not a bad thing, mind you. Just a simple reminder that many things are beyond my control, and that I constantly need something Grander to hold onto.

Weddings, pregnancies, engagements, dates, and shows swirl about my head at breath-wrenching speed. I've not been able to tell if there is rest ahead for lack of brakes on this jolly trolley. It smiles sadistically as it weaves to and fro on the unpredictable path called "life as I know it".

Yes.. and no. It is and isn't that bad. It's not bad so much as frantic. And frantic without unnecessary fretting. Dizzy yet? Welcome to my world. As it all rushes to the apex of the show on Friday, I have to remind myself to stop.

Breathe. Tomorrow has enough worries of its own. Live today simply and remember that it all works out....

There. That's better isn't it.


Krystal Dawn said...

I think you hit the nail on the head with your explination of life...mine is quite similar. I totally know what you mean.

Martha Elaine Belden said...

wow... sounds like life is good, if busy. glad you found some time to leave a note :)