Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The need to feel alive

There is a moment that is almost magical. Standing silently in the cool night as the moon beams brightly on the wandering clouds. It yields a sense of awe to see the silver edging from the moon’s kisses as the world lays in silence below. The clouds pass silently in the night like a caravan bound for distant lands and stars shimmer quietly to render their blessing to the voyage.

This can only happen away from the city. Away from the sirens, the horns, and squealing brakes. Away from the mindless bustle that we like to call living. Into a place that is untamed and untouched by human hands. No gaudy steel and concrete structures, no beaten roads, nor flock of retail stores that makes every town look the same. No lights to block the tiny pinpoints of winking heavens. No this land in free and unharmed.

The air is pure and simple, nourishing to the lungs. And here my eyes can take in all that reveals undoubtedly Divine design. This is where I come alive. My eyes and heart need to taste these moments again.


Martha Elaine Belden said...

i love this, because it's so true. i'm from a really small town in the middle of west texas where the nearest big city is more than a hundred miles away. it's sad that what used to be my daily reality is now such a rare experience.

sometimes i miss that solitude and star light so much i can't breathe.

great post :)

Anonymous said...

This reminds me how much I miss living in the desert. The night sky is endless there.

Kim said...

I guess I'm the one lone person out there that misses the city. The mountains make me lazy.

Magdalene-Sophie said...

oh wow i like your writing :)

Avid Andy said...

amen brotha