Friday, November 9, 2007

Been wonderin'

Sorry first to blogland for neglect. My intent is not to leave you hopeless, but hopefully breathless. The tornado that has been my week touched down early Monday morning with a co-worker spat. By middle week, if verbal abuse was manifested physically, I would have had a black eye, busted lip, and cracked ribs.

I've healed slowly, but perspective has been rendered anew. Life is much too short to not be doing what you are supposed to be doing. Fresh eyes through trials is a blessing in disguise. It's funny how random things help adjust the view in your mind. A concert and a fight at work have me really thinking. Charlotte ... I'm wondering.


Martha Elaine Belden said...

is charlotte calling out to all of us??

p.s. you write beautifully

Sheamus the... said...

Charlotte is like a blond headed beauty. When times are hard she whispers sweet nothings into our ears promising a better future. But we all know deep down that all cities are like relationships. It's perfectly exciting at first but eventually it comes down to what you make of it.
But in my lady Charlottes defense she has 200 dollar rent and 24-7 shea shea. Well in theory...I am usually never there but out there amongst the shadows and dumpsters of the er...movies theaters and comic book stores.

Martha Elaine Belden said...

oh yeah... and if you give me your e-mail address or some other way to reach you, i can put together a list of venues and contact information where i know artists travel through and play shows. not being a musician myself, i don't know the process exactly and i'm afraid i can't do much more than that. but i have musician friends, so i'll just send you all the venues they frequent.

if you don't feel comfortable leaving your e-mail address somewhere, just e-mail me:

Avid Andy said...

i haven't regretted moving here for a second. I like Charlotte a lot. It's very easy to live here. But what has made it for me are the friends I've made. You could be in the greatest city in the world, and hate it if you don't meet the right people.

Krystal Dawn said...

I'd like to go with Shea. Along with your 24/7 shea shea time (which includes comforting shea hugs) you would also be getting your proper doses of Vitamin K...and probably phat burrito and icecream